Radouan Mriziga came to the attention of audiences in 2014 with his first solo 55 where he approached dance through the prism of architecture. While the question of space is always present in his projects, for the past three years he has been developing a trilogy inspired by the culture and history of the Amazighs, the first inhabitants of North Africa. He shows how History can be approached and experienced poetically as an object of knowledge, especially through an evocation of three Amazigh goddesses, Tanit, Athéna and Neith, who make up the triptych Tafukt (Sun), Ayur (Moon) and Akal (Earth). To embody Neith, the old Egyptian divinity who guides souls to the underworld, he has chosen the Rwandan dancer and choreographer Dorothée Munyaneza and created an intimate space where the visual, textual, vocal and artistic forms of an entire people combine and resonate.
The performances in Marseille are supported by the Flemish authorities.